Friday, May 21, 2010

We're in Broome!

We arrived in Broome yesterday afternoon and have snagged a campsite looking out over the turquoise waters of Roebuck Bay. The camper went up easily and just in time for a bit of a monsoonal downpour of rain!
We didn’t have any problems with the rest of the drive up, with an overnight stop at a roadside campground on the southern branch of the Gascoyne River. We had a visitor in our camp - a little long necked tortoise! The next day saw us having lunch at the Wunna Munna rock carvings just to the north of Newman, with the night spent in Port Hedland. The following morning we had a quick look at the house in South Hedland that Stuart lived in when he was a little fella!
This morning was spent with a relaxing ride out to Cable Beach for a swim, which was very refreshing, considering the humidity is pretty high up here at the moment! By the time we rode home we were pretty sweaty again, but hey...


Jen said...

Stuart - you look SO relaxed on that bike, and very happy!!

Jen said...

Just researching Broome for our upcoming trip, and I notice there is beach polo at Cable beach tomorrow... might be interesting to check out if you're still there, enjoy :-)

Chris Jen and Zach said...

Good to c u took the kayaks enjoy cape leveque you still got the verve?

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are breathtaking! I imagine the horizon line of sand and sea stretching for miles and miles. Keep 'em coming!

Hugs from your Canuck Clan!