Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Stuie's latest escapade...

G’day Stuie here!

Well, I’m afraid to say that our adventurous activities of mountain biking and paddling will need to be put on hold for the next month or two! Bit of a bummer really!

I went out riding and exploring the Mt Coot-tha mountain bike trails here in Brisbane yesterday. The weather here has been exceptionally wet over the last couple of days – really, really, really  wet actually! Unfortunately, the slimy, muddy trails claimed a victim – ME! A little altercation with a deeper than usual muddy creek, hiding an even deeper pothole, saw me taking an unwanted trip over the handlebars of the bike into the opposite bank!

Check out my pinkie!

A quick trip to emergency confirmed the cracking noise I heard (and felt!) was a break! As you can see from the photo, the landing at the end of my short flying lesson, broke the little finger of my left hand! Not just any ordinary break, and a spiral break to boot! I was sent home strapped up and dosed up on Nurofen Plus, with an appointment to see a hand specialist/surgeon for potential surgery to screw it back together!
Thankfully, surgery wasn’t required, and I’m now sporting a funky blue cast which I have been strictly told to keep on 24 hours a day given the severity of the break!

Given that I’ve got follow up appointments over the next two weeks, any suggestions for things to do around Brisbane would be greatly appreciated!!!!

Yeah, yeah - I know you're all having a bit of a giggle! Thankfully, it's not too painful (with a few Nurofen of course!)

Hope everyone else is well!!!

Stuart & Michelle


Jen said...

Well Stuie, I feel for ya but wait till you hear my labour story!!! Sorry to hear about the break, take care both of you, and enjoy the change of pace. jen and jacob X

GregoryO said...

Nasty business, but you'll not discourage me from getting a MTB (: Any week now...